
Set the plug-in area’s auto-zoom mode
areaRef Longint The plug-in area reference.
autoZoom Longint The auto-zoom mode.

Set the plug-in area’s auto-zoom mode

The plug-in area is specified by imageRef.

The plug-in area’s auto-zoom mode is specified by autoZoom. The auto-zoom mode is an instruction to set the plug-in area’s zooming so that the image fits horizontally, vertically, or both. The constants in the Image Area Auto Zoom group can be used to set the auto-zoom mode:

Combining kImgAreaAutoZoomSticky with any of kImgAreaAutoZoomToFitHorz, kImgAreaAutoZoomToFitVert, and kImgAreaAutoZoomToFit makes the auto-zoom sticky: when the plug-in area is resized, the zoom factor is re-calculated so that the zoom mode is applied to the new area dimensions.

The sticky auto-zoom mode is cancelled when the zoom factor is set explicitly by calling ImgArea_SetZoomFactor, or when ImgArea_SetAutoZoom is called with a non-sticky auto-zoom mode. While the area is in auto-zoom mode, ImgArea_GetZoomFactor returns the area’s current zoom factor.