
Return the geomerty of an image frame.
ImgFrame_GetGeometry_JSN(imgDocRef;frameIdx) ➔ geometryJSN
imgDocRef Text The image document reference.
frameIdx Longint The image frame index.
↩︎ geometryJSN Text The frame’s geometry in JSON format

Return an object describing the geometric characteristics of an image frame.

Parameter imgDocRef is the image document reference. This method works with both raster images and PDF documents.

Parameter frameIdx is the index of the image frame.

The geometry of the image frame is returned as a JSON serialized 4D object in geomerty. The contents of the geometry object depend on the kind of the image document, described in the following tables.

Raster Frame Geometry
Property name Type Description
PixelSize SizeObj The pixel size of the raw raster data.
DPISize SizeObj The DPI size of the raw raster data.
PointSize SizeObj The point size of the raw raster data. Calculated from PixelSize and DPISize.
Orientation Longint The orientation of the raster frame.
PDF Page Geometry
Property name Type Description
PointSize SizeObj The size of the PDF page.
Rotation Longint The rotation of the PDF page.


This plug-in method and its convenience wrapper ImgFrame_GetProperties in the Q2PixLib component are rather lower-level methods. There are a number of methods in the Q2PixLib component that offer easier access to the frame’s geometry with the added benefit of presenting the geometric characteristics in the frame’s oriented coordinate space by default: ImgFrame_GetPointSize, RasterFrame_GetPixelSize, RasterFrame_GetDPISize, RasterFrame_GetOrientation.