
Return the value of a LangAlt property in an XMP data object.
XMPData_GetLangAltPropValue(xmpDataRef;propPath;propLang;actualLang) ➔ propValue
xmpDataRef Text The XMP data reference.
propPath Text The property path.
propLang Text The property language.
actualLang Text Actual property language.
↩︎ propValue Text The property value

Return the value of a LangAlt property for a specific language.

Parameter xmpDataRef is the reference to the XMP data object.

Parameter propPath is the full path of the LangAlt property.

Parameter propLang is the requested RFC 3066 language code.

On successful return actualLang will receive the code of the language that matched the requested one.

The property value is returned in the method result (propValue).