
Display a dialog where the user can select and apply an effect to the raster image displayed in a plug-in area.
ImgArea_ApplyEffect(areaRef{; effectNamePtr{; effectParamsPtr}}) ➔ success
areaRef Longint The image area reference.
effectNamePtr Pointer Pointer to the effect name.
effectParamsPtr Pointer Pointer to the effect parameters.
success Longint Completion status: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

Display a dialog where the user can select and apply an effect to the raster image displayed in a plug-in area.

The optional parameters effectNamePtr and effectParamsPtr are pointers to text and object respectively. On entry, they may specify the effect name and parameters to be initially selected in the dialog. If the user accepts the dialog, they receive the selected name effect and parameters.

If the user accepts the dialog the selected effect is applied to the image in the area and the method returns 1. Otherwise, the method returns 0.