
Prompts the user to select an image file through the standard file selection dialog.
ImgDlog_PromptOpenFile({title{; defaultDir{; formatArrayPtr}}}) ➔ filePath
title Text The title of the file selection dialog.
defaultDir Text The default directory path.
formatArrayPtr Pointer Image file formats.
filePath Text The full pathname of the selected file in POSIX format.

Prompts the user to select an image file through the standard file selection dialog. The file list is filtered to allow selection of images in one of the supported formats.

The title of the dialog can be specified with the title parameter. If omitted or empty, it defaults to “Open image...”.

Parameter defaultDir can be used to set the directory that will be displayed in the dialog. If omitted or empty, the dialog will display the last used directory.

The image formats that will be displayed in the dialog can be customized via the formatArrayPtr parameter. If specified it must be a pointer to a text array containing the image format identifiers. If omitted or Nil, all supported formats will be displayed.

If the user successfully selects an image file, the file’s full path in POSIX format is returned in filePath. If the user cancels the dialog an empty string is returned.