
Create an image document instance referencing image data provided in a BLOB.
ImgDoc_CreateWithBLOB(imageDataPtr{; options}) ➔ imgDocRef
imageDataPtr Pointer A pointer to a BLOB containing the image data.
options Object Options.
imgDocRef Text The image document reference.

Create an image document instance referencing image data provided in a BLOB. The image document reference is returned in imgDocRef.

If the method call fails for some reason, an empty string is returned and the Q2Pix error info is set accordingly.

Parameter imageDataPtr is a pointer to a BLOB containing the image data.

The optional options object parameter may contain the following key/value pairs:

Key Description
“Format” The option’s value is the format identifier (a string) of the specified image data. This option does not restrict the reading of the image data to the specified format, but rather acts as a ‘hint’ to the plug-in and underlying OS imaging libraries.
“Password” The option’s value is the password (a string) for a protected PDF document.
“AllowUserInteraction” The option’s value is a boolean denoting whether user interaction is allowed. Default value is True.

If the specified BLOB contains a locked PDF document and opening it fails with an authorization error ("Q2Pix"/kQ2PixErrAuth), a password entry dialog is presented to the user. If the user enters the correct password, the PDF document is opened and the document reference is returned. If the user cancels the dialog, the Q2Pix error info is set to "Q2Pix"/kQ2PixErrAuth and the method returns an empty string. If the user enters an invalid password, the method keeps running the password request dialog until the user either enters the correct dialog, or cancels.

The AllowUserInteraction property defaults to True, which allows this command to present the PDF password dialog, if necessary. When calling this method in a batch or unattended process, you may consider setting this to False so as the process is not halted by the dialog waiting for user input.


This method is a wrapper for the ImgDoc_CreateWithBLOB_JSN plug-in method. In addition to converting the options object to JSON for passing to the plug-in, it offers some extra functionality in the form of the PDF password dialog.