
QD_GetDroppableFileUTIs(areaRef; fileUTIs):error
areaRef Longint Area reference
fileUTIs Array text Droppable file UTIs
error Longint Error result

Get the file UTIs accepted by a QDrop area on Mac OS X

Parameter areaRef is the reference to the plug-in area.

Parameter fileUTIs is a text array that specifies the file Uniform Type Identifiers accepted by the area.

In addition to standard file UTIs such as "public.text" and "public.jpeg", a set of magic file types that provide extra matching criteria can also be used.

qd_anyFileMagic "any*" Accept any file
qd_folderMagic "dir*" Accept folders


   // Retrieve file UTIs



Related commands

QD_SetDroppableFileUTIs Configure a QDrop area to accept specific file UTIs on Mac OS X