
QG_SetAreaAlignment(areaRef; horzAlign; vertAlign):errorCode
areaRef Longint QGrid area reference
horzAlign Longint Horizontal alignment
vertAlign Longint Vertical alignment
error Longint Error result

Set the cell alignment inside a QGrid area

Parameter areaRef is the QGrid area reference. If areaRef is not a valid QGrid area reference, qg_paramErr error is returned.

Parameters horzAlign and vertAlign specify how the grid cells will be aligned inside the QGrid area rectangle. Acceptable alignment values are listed below:

qg_AlignHorzLeft 0 Horizontally align to the left
qg_AlignHorzCenter 1 Horizontally align to the center
qg_AlignHorzRight 2 Horizontally align to the right
qg_AlignVertTop 0 Vertically align to the top
qg_AlignVertCenter 1 Vertically align to the center
qg_AlignVertBottom 2 Vertically align to the bottom

TIP Use the reserved value -1 to leave an alignment parameter unchanged while modifying the other.

NOTE If this command is not called, the default values are used (qg_AlignHorzLeft and qg_AlignVertTop for horizontal and vertical alignment respectively).


   // Center the cells inside the xGrid area.


$err:=QG_SetAreaAlignment (xGrid;qg_AlignVertCenter;qg_AlignHorzCenter)

Related commands

QG_GetAreaAlignment Get the current cell alignment in a QGrid area