
QG_SetCellCaption(areaRef; captionXpression; rectLeft; rectTop; rectRight; rectBottom; displayFormat):errorCode
areaRef Longint QGrid area reference
captionXpression Text Expression returning text
rectLeft Longint Left coordinate
rectTop Longint Top coordinate
rectRight Longint Right coordinate
rectBottom Longint Bottom coordinate
displayFormat Text Caption format description
error Longint Error result

Set the caption object for area cells

Parameter areaRef is the QGrid area reference. If areaRef is not a valid QGrid area reference, qg_paramErr error is returned.

Parameter captionXpression specifies a 4D text expression to be used for calculating each cells caption text. QGrid calls this expression every time it needs to draw a cell's caption. Before calling the expression it sets the global variable gQGCurrentCell to the cell index it needs to display. This variable can then be used inside the expression.

Parameters rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight and rectBottom specify the caption box coordinates in the cell's coordinate system. Caption box coordinates can fall outside the cell bounds and even have negative values. In these cases only the visible part of the caption object's box is drawn on the cell. In case the values given do not specify a rectangle, error qg_paramErr is returned.

String parameter displayFormat specifies a 4D Alpha Field Format string for formatting the caption text.

NOTE To delete a previously defined caption object, call QG_SetCellCaption with captionXpression set to empty text. The rest of the parameters are then ignored and can be omitted.


   // Setup the cell caption to display the cell index.





$err:=QG_SetCellCaption (xGrid;$expression;$captLeft;$captTop;$captRight;$captBottom;$format)
   // Set-up the caption for plug-in area xGrid.




$err:=QG_SetCellCaption (xGrid;$expression;$captLeft;$captTop;$captRight;$captBottom;"")
   // Method DB_GetGridCaption(cell index): cell picture
   // Simple routine used in the caption expression .

C_LONGINT($1)// Cell index
C_TEXT($0)// Caption text



Related commands

QG_GetCellCaption Get the current caption object properties
QG_SetCaptionFont Set the caption font
QG_SetCaptionColors Set the caption colors
QG_SetCaptionAlignment Set the caption text alignment
QG_SetCellPicture Set the picture object of area cells