
QPx_DoCodecSettingsDialog(codecType; codecType; codecType; codecType; codecType):error
codecType Text Codec type
compQuality Longint Compression quality
compDepth Longint Compression depth
samplePict Picture Picture variable, optional
codecList Array text List of codec types, optional
error Longint Error result

Display the standard compression settings dialog

Parameter codecType specifies the codec that will be initially selected in the compression settings dialog. When the command completes, it will contain the type of the selected codec.

Parameter compQuality specifies the quality that will be initially selected in the compression settings dialog. When the command completes, it will contain the value of the quality control.

Parameter compDepth specifies the depth that will be initially selected in the compression settings dialog. A value of 0 is equivalent to the "Best depth" item of the depth popup menu. Possible values:

qpx_BlackAndWhite 1 Black and white
qpx_FourColors 2 Four colors
qpx_SixteenColors 4 Sixteen colors
qpx_TwoHundredFiftySixColors 8 256 colors
qpx_ThousandsColors 16 Thousands of colors
qpx_MillionColors 24 Million of colors
qpx_MillionColorsPlusAlpha 32 Million of colors plus alpha
qpx_FourGrays 34 Four grays
qpx_SixteenGrays 36 Sixteen grays
qpx_TwoHundredFiftySixGrays 40 256 grays

Parameter samplePict specifies a picture that will be used as a sample in the compression settings dialog. This parameter is optional.

Optional parameter codecList can be used to restrict user selection to a specific list of codecs. If this parameter is specified, it must be a string array containing the codec types that will be presented to the user. If codecList is omitted or empty, QPix will include all available codecs.

NOTE Not all codecs support all quality and depth values. If a codec does not support the specified values for quality or depth, it will automatically fall back to its respective default values.


   // Display the codec settings dialog, and compress 
   // a picture with the specified settings



$error:=QPx_DoCodecSettingsDialog ($codecType;$quality;$depth)

If ($error=qpx_noErr)
   $error:=QPx_CompressPicture ($picture;$codecType;$quality;$depth)
   If ($error#qpx_noErr)
         // Handle the error
   End if 
End if 

Related commands

QPx_GetCodecList Get the list of available codecs