
importerRef Longint Reference to the importer instance to be destroyed
error Longint Error result

Destroy an existing importer instance

The importer instance to be destroyed is passed in importerRef.

As a rule, you should use this command when done working with a graphics importer instance that was created with one of the importer creation commands (QPx_NewImporterForFile, QPx_NewImporterForData, QPx_NewImporter, etc), in order to free up the memory occupied by the importer.

The only exception is when the importer instance has been assigned to a QPix area with the QPx_SetAreaImporter command. In this case the importer instance is "owned" by the area and will be destroyed either together with the area by 4D, or when another command will change the content of the area.

ATTENTION Calling QPx_FreeImporter with an importer owned by a QPix area, will generate an error.


   // Free the importer



$error:=QPx_FreeImporter (gQPixImporter)

If ($error#qpx_noErr)
      // Handle the error
End if 

Related commands

QPx_NewImporter Create a graphics importer instance without image data
QPx_NewImporterForFile Create a graphics importer instance for the image stored in a file
QPx_NewImporterForData Create a graphics importer instance for the image data stored in a BLOB
QPx_NewImporterForURL Create a graphics importer from a URL
QPx_NewImporterForPict Create a graphics importer instance for the image data in a picture variable
QPx_SetAreaImporter Assign a graphics importer instance to a QPix area