
QPx_GetCompressedPictureInfo(pictVar; pictVar; pictVar; pictVar; pictVar):error
pictVar Picture Compressed picture
codecType Text Codec type
compQuality Longint Compression quality
compDepth Longint Compression depth
compData BLOB The compressed data
error Longint Error result

Get information about a compressed picture (legacy or new)

Parameter pictVar is the picture about which information will be returned. Both the legacy (PICT) and new (post 4Dv11) picture formats are supported.

The remaining parameters receive different things depending on each different case:

Parameter New picture format Legacy picture format
Supported by QT Not supported by QT Compressed by QT Uncompressed
codecType 4-char code of the QT graphics importer type as reported by QPx_GetImportTypes Identifier text reported by 4D 4-char code of the QT codec as reported by QPx_GetCodecList PICT
compQuality QT compression quality zero QT compression quality 1024 (qpx_LosslessQuality)
compDepth QT pixel depth zero QT pixel depth image depth
compData Image data in codecType format Raw data in codecType format Image data in codecType format empty BLOB

Parameter compQuality can be used in conjunction with the following constants:

qpx_MinQuality 0 Minimal quality
qpx_LowQuality 256 Low quality
qpx_NormalQuality 512 Normal quality
qpx_HighQuality 768 High quality
qpx_MaxQuality 1023 Maximum quality
qpx_LosslessQuality 1024 Lossless quality

Parameter compDepth can be used in conjunction with the following constants:

qpx_BlackAndWhite 1 Black and white
qpx_FourColors 2 Four colors
qpx_SixteenColors 4 Sixteen colors
qpx_TwoHundredFiftySixColors 8 256 colors
qpx_ThousandsColors 16 Thousands of colors
qpx_MillionColors 24 Million of colors
qpx_MillionColorsPlusAlpha 32 Million of colors plus alpha
qpx_FourGrays 34 Four grays
qpx_SixteenGrays 36 Sixteen grays
qpx_TwoHundredFiftySixGrays 40 256 grays


   // ----------------------------------------------------
   // Method: PICT_IsLegacyPICT
   // ----------------------------------------------------

C_PICTURE($1;$pict)// Picture to test
C_BOOLEAN($0;$isMacPict)// True if legacy PICT



$err:=QPx_GetCompressedPictureInfo ($pict;$codec;$quality;$depth)
If ($err=0)
      // We are using regex for case-sensitive string matching
   Case of 
            // QT compressed PICTs: codec types are lower-case 4-char codes
      : (Match regex("^[a-z0-9 ]{4}$";$codec))
            // Uncompressed Mac PICT
      : (Match regex("^PICT$";$codec))
   End case 
End if 


   // ----------------------------------------------------
   // Method: PICT_Upgrade
   // ----------------------------------------------------

C_POINTER($1;$pictPtr)// Pointer to picture
C_TEXT($2;$prefCodec)// Preferred codec for pictures that need to be re-encoded.
   // Optional, defaults to jpeg.
C_LONGINT($3;$prefQuality)// Preferred compression quality for pictures that need to be re-encoded.
   // Optional, defaults to qpx_NormalQuality.
   // 0: no upgrade was necessary
   // 1: picture converted directly
   // 2: picture re-encoded
   // <0: error

If (Count parameters>1)
End if 
If (Count parameters>2)
End if 



$result:=QPx_GetCompressedPictureInfo ($pict;$codec;$quality;$depth;$data)
If ($result=0)
      // We are using regex for case-sensitive string matching
   If (Match regex("^(jpeg|png )$";$codec))
         // QT codecs that are converted without re-encoding
      BLOB TO PICTURE($data;$pict)
         // Other Mac picts - either QT-compressed or uncompressed
      If (Match regex("^[a-z0-9 ]{4}$";$codec) | Match regex("^PICT$";$codec))
         $result:=QPx_CompressPicture ($pict;$prefCodec;$prefQuality)
         If ($result=0)
         End if 
      End if 
   End if 
End if 


Related commands

QPx_CompressPicture Compress a picture variable
QPx_GetPictureInfo Get the properties of a 4D picture variable
QPx_GetImportTypes Get the list of available importers
QPx_GetCodecList Get the list of available codecs