
Setup a ImgControl form object with a configuration object.
ImgControl_Setup(controlName{; configObj}) ➔ success
controlName Text The name of the ImgControl form object.
configObj Object The configuration object.
success Longint Completion status: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

Setup the ImgControl form object named controlName with a configuration object.

Typically called during the On Load event of the host form right after a successful call to ImgControl_Initialize. Can also be called while the form is running in order to change the configuration “on the fly”.

If configObj is an undefined object (or omitted), The method looks for Q2Pix/Q2ImgControl/Configs/<controlName>.json in the host database’s Resources folder. If the file exists the ImgControl configuration is loaded from that file.

If no file exists at that location, the default configuration is loaded from Q2Pix/Q2ImgControl/Configs/ImgControl.json in the component’s Resources folder.


The format of the JSON configuration file will be finalized and documented in a subsequent beta.