
Setup a ImgControl form object with a named configuration.
ImgControl_SetupWithConfig(controlName{; configName}) ➔ success
controlName Text The name of the ImgControl form object.
configName Text The configuration name.
success Longint Completion status: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

Setup the ImgControl form object named controlName with a named configuration.

Typically called during the On Load event of the host form right after a successful call to ImgControl_Initialize. Can also be called while the form is running in order to change the configuration “on the fly”.

The method looks for Q2Pix/Q2ImgControl/Configs/<configName>.json in the host database’s Resources folder. If the file exists the ImgControl configuration is loaded from that file.

If no file exists at that location or <configName> is empty (or omitted), configuration is delegated to ImgControl_Setup.


The format of the JSON configuration object will be finalized and documented in a subsequent beta.