
Return an image document’s edits summary.
ImgDoc_GetEditsSummary(imgDocRef) ➔ editsSummary
imgDocRef Text The image document reference.
↩︎ editsSummary Longint The image document’s edits summary.

Return a bit-mask describing the edits that have been done to an image document.

The image document is specified by imgDocRef.

The edits summary is returned in editsSummary. The editsSummary is a bit-mask that describes the edits that have been done at the document level (for example frame insertions or removals), and cumulatively in all of the document’s frames (for example applications of filters).

The constants in the “Image Edits” group describe the bit masks corresponding to the document’s and frame’s edits:

Constant Value Description
kImgFrameArrayModified 0x0001 The document’s frame array has been modified (frames inserted or removed).
kRasterFramePixelsModified 0x0002 The raster frame’s pixels have been modified.
kImgXMPDataModified 0x0004 The XMP data have been modified.
kRasterFrameOrientationModified 0x0008 The raster frame’s orientation has been modified.
kRasterFrameResolutionModified 0x0010 The raster frame’s resolution has been modified.