
Insert an image frame to an image document.
ImgDoc_InsertFrame_JSN(imgDocRef;frameIdx;srcDocRef;srcFrameIdx;optionsJSON) ➔ success
imgDocRef Text The image document reference.
frameIdx Longint The image frame index.
srcDocRef Text The source image document reference.
srcFrameIdx Longint The source image frame index.
optionsJSON Text Options in JSON format.
↩︎ success Longint Completion status: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

Insert an image frame to an image document.

Parameter imgDocRef is the reference to the image document that will receive the new frame. Parameter frameIdx is the index in the document’s frame array where the new frame will be inserted.

Parameter srcDocRef is the reference of the source image document. Parameter srcFrameIdx is the index of the source frame.

Note that srcDocRef may be the same as imgDocRef, in which case the image frame is duplicated within the same document.

Parameter optionsJSON is optional, and can be used to specify the rendering resolution (DPI size) when inserting a page from a PDF document into a raster document. It is a 4D object serialized in JSON format and may contain the following property and value:

Property name Type Default Description
RenderDPISize size object {"Width": 300, "Height": 300} The resolution at which the PDF page will be rendered.

If the method completes successfully, 1 is returned in success, 0 otherwise.


The ImgDoc_InsertFrame method in the Q2PixLib component is a convenience wrapper to this plug-in method that accepts the options parameter directly as a 4D object instead of a JSON serialization.