
Return the image document’s properties.
ImgDoc_GetProperties_JSN(imgDocRef) ➔ propertiesJSON
imgDocRef Text The image document reference.
↩︎ propertiesJSON Text The image document properties encoded in JSON.

Return the document-level properties of the image document referenced by docRef.

Parameter docRef it the image document reference. If docRef is an invalid image document reference or empty, an empty is returned.

The contents of object propsObj that receives the image document properties vary depending on the kind of document (raster image or PDF).

The following tables list the most common image document properties.

Common Image Document Properties
Property name Type Description
Format String The identifier of the image document’s format.
FilePath String The image document’s full pathname in POSIX format. Present only when the image document refers to a file.
FileSize String The byte size of the image document’s data.
PDF Document Properties
Property name Type Description
Version String The PDF version of the document.
Author String The Author property of the PDF document, if present.
Creator String The Creator property of the PDF document, if present.
Keywords String The Keywords property of the PDF document, if present.
Subject String The Subject property of the PDF document, if present.
Title String The Title property of the PDF document, if present.
Producer String The Producer property of the PDF document, if present.
CreationDate String The CreationDate property of the PDF document, if present.
ModDate String The ModDate property of the PDF document, if present.
AllowsCopying Boolean Set to True if the document permissions allow copying.
AllowsPrinting Boolean Set to True if the document permissions allow printing.


The ImgDoc_GetProperties in the Q2PixLib component is a wrapper to this plug-in method returning the image document properties directly as a 4D object instead of a JSON serialization.